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Industrial sine pumps

Main brands:

Certa, MasoSine

Industrial sine pumps
A sine rotor pump is a type of positive displacement pump that is designed to move liquids in an efficient and controlled manner. Here is a detailed summary of its application, operation, and sectors where it is used:

What It Is For

A sine rotor pump is used to pump liquids accurately and smoothly. It is ideal for applications where accurate dosing and low flow pulsation are essential. This pump is commonly used in industrial and laboratory processes where precision is crucial.

How It Works

A sine rotor pump has a sinusoidally shaped rotor that rotates inside a pump chamber. The rotor design allows for continuous and uniform movement of the liquid through the pump. The sinusoidal shape helps minimize pulsation and flow variation, providing a more stable and controlled delivery of liquid.

Rotor Rotation: The sinusoidal rotor rotates in a manner that creates a continuous and smooth movement of the liquid.

Liquid Displacement: The sinusoidal shape of the impeller allows the liquid to be displaced efficiently, minimizing bubble formation and ensuring a uniform flow.

Flow Control: The pump can be adjusted to provide precise dosing, making it ideal for applications that require high precision.

Using Industries

Chemical Industry: Used to pump sensitive or expensive chemicals where precision and uniformity are critical.

Pharmaceutical Industry: Used to dispense active ingredients and other pharmaceutical liquids.

Food Industry: Ideal for pumping food products, especially in processes where hygiene and precision are important.

Cosmetics Industry: Used for the production of cosmetics and personal care products where consistency and precision are required.

Laboratory and Research: Often used in laboratory settings to ensure accurate delivery of liquids.

Using Products

Chemicals and Solvents: Acids, bases, and other chemicals that require careful handling.

Drugs and Pharmaceutical Formulations: Drug solutions and suspensions.

Food and Beverages: Juices, syrups, and other liquid products.

Cosmetics: Creams, lotions, and other beauty products.

These pumps are valued for their ability to deliver a constant and accurate flow, which is essential in many industrial and laboratory applications.
Positive displacement sine pump MasoSine Certa
Positive displacement sine pump MasoSine Certa

Machine code: 734-337

Brand: Certa, MasoSine

Positive displacement sine pump.

Manufacturer: MasoSine.

Series: Certa.

Motor power: 0.75 kW.

Motor year: 2018.

Motor manufacturer: Nord.

For a compl...

Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.

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Máquina Industrial - Street Antonio Blanco, 1451 - Jardim Sao Joao Batista
ZIP Code: 13567-060 - Sao Carlos / SP - Brazil


Sales: +55 (16) 3361-6681 / 3361-6682 / 3419-4644

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Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.