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Water cooling towers

Main brands:

, Alpina, Annemos, Ata, Carnevalli, KWCA, Polo Sul Máquinas, Topp Inox

Water cooling towers
Water cooling towers are essential components in many industrial processes that generate heat and need to dissipate it to maintain efficient and safe operations. Here is an overview of what they are for, how they work, and the common types of water cooling towers used in industry:

What are worth for:

Cooling towers remove unwanted heat from the industrial process, dissipating it into the atmosphere through water evaporation.

They are used in a variety of industries, including power plants, oil refineries, chemical plants, steel mills, food processing plants and more.

How they work:

Water Cycle: Hot water from the industrial process is pumped to the top of the cooling tower, where it is evenly distributed over the tower fillings.

Evaporation: As water flows over the fills, it comes into contact with an updraft of air. Some of the water evaporates, removing heat from the rest of the water.

Heat Transfer: Heat transferred from water to air causes the remaining water to cool. Hot air saturated with water vapor is released into the atmosphere.

Recycling: Cooled water is collected at the bottom of the tower and recycled back into the industrial process, where it is used again to remove heat.

Types of Cooling Towers:

Countercurrent Flow Towers: In this type, air flows from bottom to top, against the flow of water. This allows for greater heat transfer efficiency.

Cross-Flow Towers: Air flows perpendicular to the flow of water. Although they are more compact, they are generally less efficient than countercurrent flow towers.

Induced Countercurrent Flow Towers: This type of tower uses fans at the top to induce airflow upward, creating a vacuum at the bottom of the tower, which improves evaporation efficiency.

Hybrid Cooling Towers: These towers combine features of counterflow towers and crossflow towers to optimize cooling efficiency in certain applications.

Each type of cooling tower has its advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the appropriate type depends on the specific needs of the industrial process, environmental conditions and energy efficiency requirements.
Complete line of cosmetics industry
Complete line of cosmetics industry

Machine code: 672-663

Brand: Balmak, IKA, Silk Mac, Toledo, Topp Inox

Industry complete cosmetics factory.

Composed by:

- Jacketed 316 stainless steel reactor.

Manufacturer: Topp Inox.

Approximate capacity: 1,100 liters.

- Jacketed 316 stainless steel reactor.

Manufacturer: Topp Inox.

Approximate c...
Complete line for the production of PVC conduits
Complete line for the production of PVC conduits

Machine code: 522-336

Brand: Carnevalli

Complete line for the production of PVC conduits.

Manufacturer: Carnevalli and Santa Maria.

Line composed of:

- Extruder.

- Bathtub.

- Puller.

- Carimbeira.

- Threader.

- Aggregator.

- Hammer Mill.

- Polycut.

- Coolin...
Water cooling tower KWCA
Water cooling tower KWCA  [unavailable

Machine code: 546-275

Brand: KWCA

Water cooling tower.

Brand: KWCA.

Model: KWF-ST-G-150/1800 / 16C.

Year: 2005.

Hot water: 36 ° C.

Cold water: 28 ° C.

Wet bulb: 23.5 ° C.

Capacity: 2,000,000Kcal / h.

Flow rate: 250m³ / h....
Line for extrusion of cereal bars Inbramaq
Line for extrusion of cereal bars Inbramaq  [unavailable

Machine code: 043-830

Brand: Annemos, ECOFLAM, Inbramaq

Cereal extrusion line for the production of snacks.
Brand: Inbramaq.
Year: 2000.
Capacity: 200kg per hour.

Vertical mixer of raw materials with conveyor thread.

Extruder with 50 hp motor. reducer

Cestari H-120 reduction 1-5.

Extruder t...
Automatic line for the production of softened cookies 2.000 kg
Automatic line for the production of softened cookies 2.000 kg  [unavailable

Machine code: 001-875

Brand: Alpina, APV, Ariete, Baopack, Flowmack, Gotesp, Limaq, Tonelli

Automatic line for the production of softened cookies, stuffed and donuts.

Production: 2,000 kg per hour.

This line has already produced a reference product.

Gas thermal cycle oven with 4 furnaces.

Italian filler with 4 lanes multiplied t...
Water Cooling Tower Alpina
Visualizar Vídeo Water Cooling Tower Alpina  [unavailable

Machine code: 418-580

Brand: Alpina

Cooling tower for water.

Brand Name: Alpina.

With pump of 2hp and 3415 rpm.

Input and output 2.1 / 2 inches.

Measures: 2.16 m width 2.54 m length 4.40 m height equipment....
Ice cream factory
Ice cream factory  [unavailable

Machine code: 066-718

Brand: Ata, Polo Sul Máquinas

Industry for Ice Cream Factory.

Brand: Polo south.

Brand: Polo south.
Weight: 15 Kg.

Weight: 5 Kg.
Quantity: 3 units.

HCM 50.
Brand: Danf...

Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.

Closed your business?



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Máquina Industrial - Street Antonio Blanco, 1451 - Jardim Sao Joao Batista
ZIP Code: 13567-060 - Sao Carlos / SP - Brazil


Sales: +55 (16) 3361-6681 / 3361-6682 / 3419-4644

Administrative: +55 (16) 3419-4648

Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.